Dr. John Parrino is a Clinical Psychologist. He specializes in stress and anxiety disorders and Adult ADHD.
Dr. John Parrino is a Clinical Psychologist. He specializes in stress and anxiety disorders and Adult ADHD.
Welcome to the Office of Dr. John J. Parrino
Dr. John J. Parrino received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Louisiana State University. He completed his post-doctoral training in Psychopharmacology at Georgia State University and the University of Georgia. Dr. Parrino is a Life Status member of the American Psychological Association. He is currently in private practice as a Clinical Psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia.
For over three decades, Dr. Parrino has specialized in treating stress and anxiety disorders. His book - From Panic to Power: The Positive Use of Stress - was one of the first publications to delineate the profound effects of stress on the brain and body.
Dr. Parrino’s practice includes a special emphasis on the assessment of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults. He is particularly proud of his consultations with healthcare teams – Physicians, PA’s and Nurses – to help provide the most effective treatment for this challenging problem.
ADHD Assessment & Sample Report
CLIENT INSTRUCTIONS: The assessment process involves three steps:
Step 1: Complete my Attention Management Survey (AMS) which identifies the areas of greatest concern to you regarding your attention issues, including work, relationships and personal habits. At the end of the survey, you will obtain scores on four (4) ADHD factors. You can send me your AMS scores by clicking the submit button at the end of the survey. After reading the instructions, you can start the AMS by clicking the link provided below.
Step 2: The second step involves completing a confidential online inventory that will be sent to you via email from a test provider (Psychological Assessment Resources, PAR). This will provide me with percentile scores on attention-related factors such as your ability to organize and prioritize tasks.
Step 3: The remaining step is interactive: I will get to know your concerns through an interview (phone, virtual, or in person), provide information about Adult ADHD and answer any questions you may have about the assessment.
Once the three steps are completed, I will consult with your healthcare provider and submit a report of my findings to him/her. Then I will contact you with feedback of my findings and answer any further questions you may have regarding your assessment.
Please start the AMS by clicking the button below. Remember to send me your AMS scores by clicking the submit button at the end of the survey.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you.
John J. Parrino, Ph. D


FROM PANIC TO POWER: The Positive Use of Stress
For several decades, a perennial bestseller that covers the basics of stress management: relaxation skills, visualization training, habit management and biofeedback. Features astonishing case studies that illustrate the applications of stress technology to individuals with anxiety problems, work addictions, depression, chronic pain and other common mind-body issues.
“A self help book in the best sense of the word.”
Available formats
Hard Cover
Price: $18.00

JUNGLE OF LOVE: Stress Management Strategies for Love Relationships
An allegory about a married couple – a Tiger and Giraffe – who transform from constant conflict to marital bliss. Discover the Tiger and Giraffe in your marriage, and learn to counter relationship stress with the healing Love Reflex.
“…I’m thankful that I’ve found this treasure – an invaluable book that demonstrates a system to keep my husband and myself in perfect harmony.”
Available formats
Price: $12.95

MIRACLE AT MARGARI PARK: Building Extraordinary Relationships
A story for children and adults about an young Italian soccer star who resentfully immigrates to the US with his parents, but stubbornly refuses to apply his athletic prowess to the American sport of baseball. What he learns about the value of family and friendships when he accepts the challenge is a pivotal life lesson for all ages.
“A beautiful story. I read this with my daughter and we laughed, we cried."
-Brandon Hall, Ph.D, President, Brandon Hall Group
Available formats
Price: $9.95

Prejudice and the Progeny
In this children's fable, a giant guru teaches mind-body healing strategies and the use of humor to guide a wounded couple and their hybrid offspring in a fierce battle against prejudice, intolerance and bullying.
Available formats
Price: $2.99

A relaxation CD that includes a unique and scientifically tested combination of muscular contractions and deep breathing to produce a total body relaxation response. The CD also shows you how to use a cue word such as RELAX to help you transfer the state of relaxation to stressful situations in everyday life.
Available formats
Audio CD
Price: $16.95

SDI measures your thoughts, feelings physical reactions, habits and relationship patterns during stress. Also provides pinpointed prescriptions for change based on your results. Purchase two (2) SDI’s and compare stress profiles with your partner.
Available formats
Price: $4.95
Challenges in the Diagnosis of Adult ADHD
Patients are more frequently coming to Physicians and mental health professionals with the assertion: "I think I have ADHD." The idea is promoted by the abundance of magazine articles on the subject and online screening instruments. This increase in the awareness of adult ADHD is good news for the following reasons.
The Distracted Mind: How to Get Help for Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD) in Adults
Dr. Parrino uses an in-depth case study of Adult ADHD to show how it took a team of healthcare providers to effectively assess and treat a highly intelligent student who was failing his graduate program.
EMDR - Stress Relief Benefits from Reprocessing Bad Memories
The riveting case study of a woman traumatized by her fiance's infidelity illustrates a Psychologist's brilliant discovery about the healing properties of the brain. Dr. Francine Shapiro's work on traumatic and distressful memories has launched a major breakthrough in the treatment of mental health problems such as PTSD, anxiety disorders, panic attacks and chronic pain. The article also demonstrates the general stress relief benefits of reprocessing bad memories.
Optimizing Performance Under Stress
As in the Peter Principle, I have found that workers are often stressed to the level of their incompetence. On the other hand, they can become star performers with a little stress management.